
Liverpool Museum – Walker Art Gallery Refurbish

Liverpool Museum – Walker Art Gallery Refurbish

Work done over a 5 month period ending Feb 2022 making many new moulds and stitching new sections together where works were needed to building alterations After repair, below we...

Liverpool Museum – Walker Art Gallery Refurbish

Work done over a 5 month period ending Feb 2022 making many new moulds and stitching new sections together where works were needed to building alterations After repair, below we...

Cleaning and Re-modeling 1800's Section

Cleaning and Re-modeling 1800's Section

The pattern match was around 10″ so cast several sections together to make a longer section for easy fitting This moulding can be added next to any existing Cornice and...

Cleaning and Re-modeling 1800's Section

The pattern match was around 10″ so cast several sections together to make a longer section for easy fitting This moulding can be added next to any existing Cornice and...